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/ The Business Master (4th Edition) / The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso / files / comphelp / babystep

Jump To: Image (4)  |  Text (32)  |  Other (7)

Images (4)

Text (32)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
6pak.bak Text File 100 4KB 1994-02-21
6pak.doc Text File 100 4KB 1994-03-07
autoexec.bat DOS Batch File 6 54b 1994-01-05
babydos Text File 147 5KB 1994-03-06
bkintro Text File 132 3KB 1994-03-06
book.bak Text File 96 1KB 1994-03-06
book.cfg Text File 96 1KB 1994-03-11
chapt1 Text File 194 6KB 1994-02-20
chapt2 Text File 194 7KB 1994-02-20
chapt3 Text File 330 10KB 1994-02-20
chapt4 Text File 129 4KB 1994-02-20
chapt5 Text File 263 9KB 1994-02-20
closing.bat DOS Batch File 2 19b 1994-02-22
copyrt Text File 20 599b 1994-02-20
dospix.bat DOS Batch File 6 60b 1994-02-19
first Text File 47 2KB 1994-02-19
go.bat DOS Batch File 4 15b 1994-02-19
keyboard Text File 52 3KB 1992-03-22
keypad Text File 16 510b 1994-02-20
manual.bat DOS Batch File 7 97b 1994-02-20
menus Text File 22 720b 1992-03-22
order.bak Text File 50 2KB 1994-03-06
order.doc Text File 104 4KB 1994-03-06
order.dos Text File 47 2KB 1994-03-06
order.me Text File 50 2KB 1994-03-07
sample Text File 60 3KB 1994-03-10
sample.bak Text File 60 3KB 1994-03-06
secrets Text File 23 932b 1992-03-22
symbols Text File 22 889b 1994-02-20
wb.bak Text File 34 1KB 1994-01-04
wb.bat DOS Batch File 34 1KB 1994-03-07
write Text File 19 732b 1992-03-22

Other Files (7)
ding.com MS-DOS COM Executable 10b 1993-01-25
dream.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 23KB 1992-05-13
happy.com MS-DOS COM Executable 10b 1993-01-25
kborder.com MS-DOS COM Executable 88b 1992-02-18
pcx.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1993-03-11
bborder.com Unknown 14b 1992-08-19
green.com Unknown 14b 1993-04-29